Deepstrike Sticks | Onyx Edition | 40k Tools
This pair of 9" and 3" deepstrike sticks gives you all you need to quickly measure your deepstrike ranges as well as being useful for things like disembarking in warhammer 40k.
Now in the beautiful Onyx Edition!
Now in the beautiful Onyx Edition!
This pair of 9" and 3" deepstrike sticks gives you all you need to quickly measure your deepstrike ranges as well as being useful for things like disembarking in warhammer 40k.
Now in the beautiful Onyx Edition!
Now in the beautiful Onyx Edition!
This pair of 9" and 3" deepstrike sticks gives you all you need to quickly measure your deepstrike ranges as well as being useful for things like disembarking in warhammer 40k.
Now in the beautiful Onyx Edition!
Now in the beautiful Onyx Edition!